Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Beau Hunk Has Left the Building

Catch up on the Beau Hunk.

....Well, actually the state. Even better.

Our Sunday Mother's Day brunch was fabulous. Fifteen family members and family friends gathered at a large table, eating a lovely brunch, drinking champagne, talking and laughing. Three of our kids were with us (D1 is still away at college) and life was almost perfect. Almost.

D2 sat at the end of the table with her phone in her lap, just hoping and praying the Beau Hunk would call her one last time before he left for the military. She went to prom with someone else. Apparently, he escorted another girl to a prom as well. The promise ring has been returned. The phone did not ring.

It should be a peaceful summer. The Beau Hunk has left.  D2 has just landed her first job. I hope by the end of the summer the Beau Hunk will be a distant memory... for all of us.


  1. Thank God neither of mine dates. Yet. Here's hoping you're right!

  2. For the sake of D2 and your family, I hope he really is gone FOREVER. But for my own selfish love of drama, I hope the story continues.... Mostly I hope it's over ;)


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